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2014 Guangzhou Yishoufang provident fund loan guarantee fee

A room can also be “ a station type ” fast credit

Following the 2012 launch of second-hand housing provident fund loans secured business, after the Spring Festival this year, Guangzhou Yishoufang provident fund loans are also available loan guarantee “ one stop service &rdquo. From Guangzhou housing management center to understand, for property buyers, a one-stop “ ” service can save for lawyers rankings do guarantee three party, to save time and money. Taking Guangzhou provident fund loan maximum amount is calculated 800000 yuan, if the loan is 15 years to 2000 yuan fee.

With the second-hand housing is carried out by oneself by property buyers with different, one hand housing provident fund loans secured business must be conducted by the developers to apply for the. If developers and Guangzhou housing home security center signed access cooperation, then a hand housing provident fund loans can also achieve faster loan. At present, Guangzhou city has 4 developers signed 5 projects active access protocol, including Vanke Opal and Jun Hua cedar, and Huadu all hand housing provident fund loans are done by the security center.

In Guangzhou housing provident fund loans guarantee fees of the unified:

1 to 10 years is 0.2% of total lending, 10 ~ 15 years is the total loans 0.25%, 15 to 20 years is 0.35% of total lending, 20 ~ 25 years is the total loans 0.45%, 25 to 30 years is 0.5% of total loans. In Guangzhou the maximum amount of provident fund loans 800000 calculation, if the loan is 15 years, to 2000 yuan fee.

Provident fund loans to meet the conditions?

According to the provisions of the housing provident fund policy in Guangzhou, the Guangzhou housing provident fund staff such as the need to apply for housing provident fund loans must meet 7 conditions.

Guangzhou housing provident fund loans 7 conditions were as follows:
1, with a valid identity card, and have full capacity for civil conduct;
2, Guangzhou city resident accounts paid staff loans need continuous deposit 6 months above, non resident accounts need continuous deposit of more than 12;
3, the purchase of housing contract;
4, the purchase payment in conformity with the provisions of the proportion;
5, the purchase of housing can be used as collateral;
6, a stable job and income, good credit, a loan servicing capacity;
7, meet the other conditions stipulated by the Guangzhou housing provident fund management center and the entrusted bank.

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